A Stellar Read

Hi Friends. Remember me? I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, I could make up some excuses as to why not, but instead I'll just tell you I've created an illustrated article for Overland (an Australian literary online/print magazine). You can read it here!

The Art of Swimming

For the curious: This is from a concertina zine I made for the author of Pools and Libraries. It's inspired by Leanne Shapton's Swimming Studies  and the Shaw Method of learning how to swim.

2015: The Year of The Mower

The mower stalled, twice; kneeling, I found   
A hedgehog jammed up against the blades,   
Killed. It had been in the long grass.

I had seen it before, and even fed it, once.   
Now I had mauled its unobtrusive world   
Unmendably. Burial was no help:

Next morning I got up and it did not.
The first day after a death, the new absence   
Is always the same; we should be careful

Of each other, we should be kind   
While there is still time.

(From Phillip Larkin's The Mower)